Establishing Defenses, Ensuring Comfort



Ant Control

Enhancing Comfort and Protecting Your Property

Key Benefits of Professional Ant Control

✔️Improves Indoor and Outdoor Comfort:

Professional ant control effectively reduces ant populations around your home, enhancing comfort by keeping living spaces and gardens free from the disruption of ant lines and nests.

✔️Protects Against Health and Safety Risks:

Ants can contaminate food and some species, like fire ants, pose physical threats with painful stings. Professional ant control helps safeguard your family’s health and well-being by managing these risks.

✔️Prevents Property Damage:

Certain ant species cause structural damage similar to termites (e.g., carpenter ants). Professional ant control is essential in identifying and eradicating these threats early, preventing costly damage to your home.

✔️Offers Peace of Mind:

Knowing that your property is protected from ant infestations provides immense peace of mind. Professional services ensure that ant problems are comprehensively managed, so you don’t have to worry about them.

✔️Tailored Treatment Plans:

Professional ant control services evaluate the specific ant challenges in your home environment to develop customized treatment strategies. This tailored approach ensures the most effective and efficient resolution to ant issues.

Strategic Approach to Ant Management

Our Comprehensive Four-Step Ant Control Process

Army of Ants

Step 1: Targeted Bait Application

Direct Treatment in High Activity Areas

Shield Pest Control's process begins with the application of a granular bait in mulch beds and flower gardens where ant activity has been noted. This method allows us to effectively treat the ants all the way down into their nests without needing to locate each nest explicitly, providing an efficient start to the ant control process.

Ant Removal

Step 2: Perimeter Barrier Spray

Creating a Defensive Boundary

Following the bait application, our technicians apply a perimeter spray that extends 3 feet up and 3 feet out around the entire outside of your home. This spray is crucial as it addresses most types of creepy crawlies and plays a significant role in preventing ants and other pests from entering your home.

Army of Ants

Step 3: Crack-and-Crevice Treatment

Precision in Application for Maximum Effectiveness

The third step involves a detailed, dust-based crack-and-crevice treatment designed to target the less accessible areas where ants may enter or hide. This step ensures that even the most hidden areas of your home are protected from ant invasions.

Ant Prevention

Step 4: Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance

Ensuring Long-Term Protection and Satisfaction

Our service includes a 30-day guarantee, during which we provide continuous monitoring of your property to detect any resurgence or new activity of ants. This ongoing vigilance helps maintain the effectiveness of the initial treatment and ensures that your home remains ant-free. Regular follow-ups and maintenance checks are part of our commitment to your long-term satisfaction and peace of mind.

Choose a day. Choose a time. We will be there.

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1300 University Parkway, #5

Johnson City, TN 37604

(423) 379-2775

Tennessee, USA

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